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Re: [sup-talk] Adding Sources

fedzor, 2011-01-29 19:47:
> I got sup to work finally. It took me a while because xapian and
> xapian-full weren't playing well together.

Afaik they aren't supposed to play _together_.  They provide the same
functionality (ruby bindings to xapian).  One (xapian) links against
system xapian lib and you need it (+ xapian devel stuff if packaged
separately) installed and the other (xapian-full) comes bundled with
(as the name suggests) full xapian and doesn't have external
dependencies with respect to it.

> What's the recommended way to read my IMAP mailboxes?

You use an offline synchronizer to pull mail from IMAP to local
Maildir storage.  See


Tero Tilus ## 050 3635 235 ## http://tero.tilus.net/
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