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[sup-talk] threading and blackberrys

Hello all

Where I work some people use Blackberries, and they don't add an
In-Reply-To header to email, so I do quite a bit of manual re-threading
using the '#' key. I'd like to not have to do it so much, but I don't
want to just thread all mail by subject, as the blackberry messages are
not /so/ frequent. So I've put the below in my before-add-message.rb
hook that others might find useful.

The code:

* only runs if the message is from a blackberry and the subject
  indicates it is a reply.
* looks for the most recent message that matches the subject, and adds a
  ref to that message, so they should then be in the same thead.

Any feedback or improvements appreciated.


subj = message.subj.downcase

# if from a blackberry and is a reply, then try to find a matching thread
if message.id.downcase.include?('blackberry') && Message.subj_is_reply?(subj)
  thread_subj = Message.normalize_subj subj
  query = Index.parse_query "subject:\"#{thread_subj}\""
  # the query returns newest match first
  first_id = Index.each_id(query) { |id| break id }
  message.add_ref(first_id) unless first_id.nil?
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