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Re: [sup-talk] renaming label woes
Excerpts from Philippe LeCavalier's message of 2011-02-15 16:26:48 +0100:
> I changed my mind on a certain label I had setup and wanted to rename it. I first looked at using sup-tweak-labels but opted against that tool since I couldn't figure out how to limit add/remove to a specific set of query results. Instead I loaded sup, performed a search for that label, did !!, T, =, l and -FF ff (FF being the label in question). I refreshed the screen to see the changes(@) and the old label(FF) reappeared. I thought it might be some sort of case sensitivity thing so I then did: !!, T, =, l, -FF <enter> and =, l, ff <enter>. When I refreshed that time the change appeared to take. So I closed the buffer.
> Now when I search for 'ff' I only get a few threads whereas previously I had over 800. Interestingly enough, If I search by from: or subject...etc. of which I know I'll get a hit within that label the label 'ff' is there as expected. So why can't I search for 'ff' anymore? I'm guessing something with the indexing has gone a-scew. I remembered seeing "Optimizing index..." when looking to do this with sup-tweak-labels so I went ahead and did a dry-run but that didn't help the situation -maybe I shouldn't have done --dry-run? Or maybe I'm way off here ;-)
> ...help.
My experience with sup-tweak-labels today suggests that each run it gets
only part of the messages. Maybe your problem is similar. Try to search
for the old labels or try 'L', Enter to see all existing labels.
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