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Re: [sup-talk] Delete email from Sup index
Excerpts from Romain Dessort's message of 2011-02-11 13:08:29 +0000:
> Is there a way to really remove emails from Index (and not mark them as
> 'deleted') ?
I have been through exactly that about ten minutes ago to get rid of
>40k index entries in my sup setup. Good timing! ;)
What I did:
* stopped the periodic polling of my offlineimap, just in case, to keep
the sources from changing.
* made a backup of my .sup/ folder, just in case.
* created a label dump file using sup-dump.
* deleted the .sup/xapian folder.
* run sup-sync with the --restore option, pointing to the dump file.
The index was re-created from the dump file, but only taking into
account the files that were currently available from the sources. Worked
like a charm. Better, in fact, since charms don't work at all. Ahem.
Yes, it would be great if there were a less convoluted way to do this.
Thorsten Fischer, BOWL Project Administrator
Technische Universität Berlin, FG INET, TEL16, 18th floor
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