Just add the inbox label to it ( move the cursor on the thread and press l, l for like! and type inbox)
This should work
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:17, Ico
<sup@zevv.nl> wrote:
Hi all,
Since yesterday I'm a sup user, and I'm quite impressed with the way
things work, great stuff.
I had once annoyance though, and today on irc met somebody with the same
itch: if I (we) understand correctly, there is no way to 'unarchive' a
message once it is archived. 'undo' does the trick while the sup
session is still running, but afaik it is not possible to find an
archived mail and mark it 'unachived' or 'inbox'.
Is there something I'm missing, or is this really not possible at the
moment ? Would it be possible to make the 'a' key a toggle like
'd'elete, so it is simple possible to unarchive an archived message by
hitting the 'a' key again ?
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