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Re: [sup-talk] IMAP, labels, editors
On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Moritz Wilhelmy <moritz+sup@wzff.de> wrote:
>>> I've read in the latest History file that IMAP support is deprecated.
>>> Are you going to drop it? I mainly use IMAP to read my e-mail boxes,
>>> because I need to deal with them from different workstations (say:
>>> home, office, laptop, etc.).
>>> For this reason the local Maildir approach won't work for me.
>> You can use offlineimap to fetch e-mails from your IMAP server and
>> save them as Maildir that are then added in sup. By setting your hooks
>> properly you can automatically call offlineimap before polling (see
>> the wiki).
> Alternatives to offlineimap to store mail in mbox/maildir include getmail
> (which is what I use) and fetchmail.
The main drawback of this approach is that you have to copy all your
mailbox in every location.
This mean several GiB for me.
That's why I would prefer to keep everything on the IMAP server (and
periodically backup it in a single computer).
>>> About message composition, do you have any recommended editor, given
>>> the fact that I never used a lot Vi nor Emacs?
>> I use emacs with post-mode.
> sup's keybindings are modeled largely after mutt's, and not really modeled
> after neither vim nor emacs, so you don't have any benefits in learning
> how to use sup if you already know how to use vim/emacs (or vice versa).
> sup has a setting where you can change your preferred editor. As far as I
> remember, the tool that initially writes the configuration (`sup-config')
> defaults to vim.
> Personally, I use vim with mail-syntax-hilighting.
That's true: *sup* initially selects vim as default mail editor.
I never had before special requirements for text editor and therefore
gedit was enough.
Do you think is worth spending time to learn a text-based editor even
for writing e-mails?
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