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Re: [sup-talk] multiple accounts
Excerpts from Wirt Wolff's message of Di Mai 10 23:36:25 +0200 2011:
> Excerpts from dtk's message of Tue May 10 14:17:00 -0600 2011:
> > I've been test driving sup with my main mail account for some weeks now, and
> > have to admit that my other accounts didn't get too much love during that time,
> > due to the clunky handling of thunderbird. So I'd like to manage my other
> > accounts in sup now as well.
> >
> > I do have a problem, though, since I can't seem to find a way to define seperate
> > :sent_sources per account. And I really don't want to get private/work mails to
> > get mixed up :|
> >
> > Is there a way to define :sent_source: entries per account?
> Is this what you mean?
> http://sup.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?MultipleAccountsAndReply
> i.e. get a mail to dtk@private.net replies from a private acct and mails
> to my_boss_is_watching@foozle.com replies are from you@foozle.com?
not exactly. My local maildir sources are synced back to two different imap
servers (hosting my two different mail addresses) via offlineimap.
What I want is mails sent via dtk@foozle.com to end up in the
'Sent' folder on foozle.com while mails sent via dtk@private.net end up in the
'Sent' folder on private.net.
But so far (at least as far as I can tell) I can specify only /one/ maildir as
/the/ :sent_source, which means copies of sent mails (independent of the account
they were sent over) will end up on /one/ imap server.
hope that made it any clearer? :/
thanks anyway
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