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Re: [sup-talk] background or queue msg sending

Excerpts from Kevin Riggle's message of Thu Mar 17 16:16:09 -0400 2011:
> Excerpts from Philippe LeCavalier's message of Thu Mar 17 15:15:30 -0400 2011:
> > Even if Exim or Postfix might act faster than msmtp(what I'm using now)
> > sup is set up in a way that it waits for the process to terminate before
> > bringing me to the previous buffer. What I'd like to suggest is that sup
> > should immediately bring you to the previous buffer.
> Exim or Postfix will both act as the local message queue for you, unlike
> msmtp which blocks while it talks to the upstream remote mail server.
> It's not so much Sup's blocking as msmtp's blocking here which is the
> problem, IME -- talking to the local MTA is wicked fast, and you can set
> your local MTA to use your upstream remote mail server as its smarthost
> -- and there's no reason to add a message queue to Sup if your MTA can
> handle it.  
> Given Exim's recent security troubles I'd recommend Postfix.
> - Kevin
> --
> Kevin Riggle (kevinr@free-dissociation.com) 
> http://free-dissociation.com
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Thanks Kevin. I get what everyone is saying now. I just needed explained
as you did. Makes total sense to me now. I'm going to give preference to
Sascha's suggestion first. But if I'm unsuccessful I'll definitely give
a local -full- MTA a try.
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