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Re: [sup-talk] Maildir support
Hi Damien,
thanks for your patient reply!
Excerpts from Damien Leone's message of Tue Apr 12 09:34:45 +0200 2011:
> Excerpts from dtk's message of lun. avril 11 23:44:51 +0200 2011:
> > why is that? I thought the way a MUA is supposed to work with a maildir is
> > rather straight forward[0]?
> Well, yeah, but not sup. :)
yeah, I did already recognize. not impressed :|
> > You know, I'm just wondering why this feature isn't merged in upstream. Are
> > there any reasons why anyone would _not_ want proper maildir handling? Or is this
> > just a political decision (scared, since I've seen a few of those pull down cool
> > projects :/)?
> I think it will be merged for the next version although I didn't have
> any confirmation from William yet. I don't see any reason why that
> wouldn't be the case, as you said there are a lot of people interested
> in this feature.
> The reason why it is not merged yet is that the code has been finished
> a few weeks ago and needs some more testing (even if I've been using
> it for 9 months without trouble as well as other people from this
> list).
actually, this soothes my concerns quite a bit. Although I still wonder a bit
why this feature hasn't been built in right from the beginning, not being merged
upstream due to being brand new is about the best explanation I can imagine.
Well, I guess I'll just check out your branch these days and hold my breath that
it makes it into the next release ;)
Thanks again
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