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Re: [sup-talk] Hi and noob question.

Excerpts from Peter Lewis's message of Do Feb 17 02:02:34 +0100 2011:
> So here's the newbie question: I had a look through the manual etc. and I 
> didn't seem to be able to find out any way of reversing the order in which the 
> messages are displayed in the list. It only seems to be able to have the most 
> recent at the top, etc., which I've been trained over the years to not be used 
> to. Is there a way to switch the order?

You may patch sup with the files attached.

But they are from Sept 2009, so they most likely will not succeed
completely. You might have to adjust some lines of code manually.

If we have never called ourselves insurrectionists, it is not because we
do not wish for insurrection, but because our own temperament
predisposes us to an anarchism without adjectives. The important thing
is to fight for freedom and against hierarchy; we imagine that this will
demand different approaches in different situations, and that these
approaches may need one another to succeed. We are anarcho-syndicalists
on the shop floor, green anarchists in the woods, social anarchists in
our communities, individualists when you catch us alone,
anarcho-communists when there's something to share, insurrectionists
when we strike a blow.
   -- say you want an insurrection
	-- <http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/rollingthunder/insurrection.php>

Attachment: 0001-allow-thread-index-view-to-sort-oldest-first.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0002-Change-the-default-sort-for-inbox-mode-to-be-oldest.patch
Description: Binary data

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