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Re: [sup-talk] Getting ready for sup-0.13
- To: Gaute Hope <eg@gaute.vetsj.com>
- Subject: Re: [sup-talk] Getting ready for sup-0.13
- From: Steven Hum <sdothum@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 15:05:31 -0400
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- Cc: sup-talk <sup-talk@rubyforge.org>
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- References: <517D6921.3050006@gaute.vetsj.com>
- User-agent: Sup/git
Kudos and thanks to all the sup maintainers and contributors. It is
really exciting to see sup get the attention it deserves.
I will definitely stay on top of the develop branch to assist in any way
Excerpts from Gaute Hope's message of 2013-04-28 14:23:29 -0400:
> Greetings list,
> William has graciously given us access to the rest of the Sup
> infrastructure and the plan is to move as much as possible to GitHub.
> At the moment we are three maintainers: Hamish Downer, Matthieu
> Rakotojaona and myself.
> There are three categories for the sup repository team:
> Owner, Commiter, Contributor. Pretty much any kind of contribution would
> mean we would add you to the contributor team if you asked to be.
> The plan for sup is:
> Release sup-0.13 relatively soon:
> - including the last bugfixes otherwise leave out the major changes
> that have been discussed lately
> And the proposed roadmap for sup-0.14:
> - support ruby 2.0.0
> - migrate to psych
> - remove all deprecated and abandoned dependencies (e.g. switch from
> RMail to Mail)
> - implement IMAP syncback support
> - get uft-8 encoding right
> We have documented this setup and the roadmap in the wiki at:
> -
> https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/wiki/Development%3A-Administration-and-Team
> - https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/wiki/Development
> Please see https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/wiki/Contributing on
> how to submit changes or contribute.
> There are a few tasks and roles that need some love, among them:
> maintaining the web site and maintaining the maildir feature branch.
> Regards, Fellow Suppers
"Truth or die."
Steven Hum
5 - 28 Gilmour St
Ottawa, ON K2P 0N3
email sdothum@gmail.com
tel 613.237.9058