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Re: [sup-talk] try heliotrope!

On 27 June 2011 07:36, William Morgan <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> If any of you are interested in trying out the next generation of Sup, I
> have things in a reasonably stable state. It's still too early for a
> gem, but I have updated the README for both client and server sides. So
> if you'd like to run some highly experimental code and see what the
> future of curses-based email might look like, follow the instructions
> in:
> http://github.com/wmorgan/heliotrope
>  and then
> http://github.com/wmorgan/turnsole
> Lots of stuff is broken, but I have been using it as an end-to-end email
> system for a week or so now, so the basics are there. Tell me how it goes!

Hi there,

it seems to be behaving quite well already!

As someone already mentioned, the Gmail import is working great, IF
you have English as your Gmail interface language; otherwise
heliotrope just keeps looking for the "All Mail" directory; I guess
that's because that directory is hard-coded in lib/gmail-dumper.rb, it
looks like this wouldn't only affect users with other language
configuration on Gmail as sometimes the directories are not
"[Gmail]/All Mail" but rather "[Google Mail]/All Mail" [1]; I've
looked around and found this:
[1] http://groups.google.com/group/Gmail-Help-POP-and-IMAP-en/browse_thread/thread/a154105c54f020fb?pli=1
which, judging from the xlist bit in lib/imap-dumper.rb, you already
know; maybe support for this kind of not-so-strange set-ups via xlist
is already planned?
I tried editing the lib/gmail-dumper.rb file to
GMAIL_FOLDER = "[Gmail]/Alle Nachrichten"
and it looks like that works for the initial import but I don't knwo
if it'd have implications with the "get labels from IMAP" part.

Haven't tried the mbox import that some people are having issues with
so I can't confirm nor deny those.

I've found a small bug on the debugging interface: when a thread has
no subject (some people do that), there is no way to open that thread
(since there is no link); a fix for that (though maybe not a great one
since I'm no ruby expert) could be: replacing the link_to_threadview
method definition in heliotrope-server (lines 510-512) to:
  def link_to_threadview thread_id, text
    %{<a href="/thread/#{thread_id}">#{if text.empty?; "No subject"
else escape_html text end}</a>}

The --host parameter does not seem to be implemented (or I am
misunderstanding what it is supposed to do), this one is quite
important as by default (ignoring firewall rules and etc) anyone on
the LAN could access all of the data from Heliotrope; wouldn't it be
safer to bind only to localhost by default?

I haven't played around too much with the client, but I could connect
to the server from another computer and looks like its behaviour is
just like sup's.
Even though it's logical, maybe the README should mention that the
lib/* files from heliotrope are needed.

This looks really promising!
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