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Re: [sup-talk] any testimonials from users who transitioned from mutt?
Excerpts from Naveen Nathan's message of Wed Sep 19 23:15:00 +0200 2012:
> Hi,
> Mutt and mail savvy user here. It's my daily use client, I use a lot of
> it's features such as threading, tagging, header caching (for imap).
> What it truly lacks, even though slightly supported by IMAP, is full-body
> search of email, indexing, etc.
What i notice the most, is *speed*, mutt gets unbearable on big mailboxes.
Also the label is approach is much better, just because having more than one label
in an thread can be very usefull.
Also prefer the UI, tudier for tilling WMs and smarthphones (altough mutt can be
> I was wondering if any mutt users who use some of the above features
> mentioned would mind sharing their experience after transitioning to Sup.
> Although I wouldn't be surprised if people still continue to use both.
One thing about sup, is that you have to go cold turkey, sup does not sync
back to the mailbox. I solved that problem by placing it under tmux on a
24/7 avaliable server, so i just ssh to tmux, from the computer, cellphone,
public machine whatever.
I eventually want to migrate to heliotrope once a decent client shows up.
But if you're on mutt and dont bother about using only one client for email,
Sup is awesome
Alfredo Palhares
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