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Re: [sup-talk] Automatic watch of IMAP folder

Excerpts from Matthieu Rakotojaona's message of 2014-04-03 22:12:38 +0200:
> Hello suppers,
> I'm pretty sure some of you sync their mails from some IMAP server
> somewhere, maybe Gmail even. I've written a little script that:
> - allows you to watch your favorite IMAP folder ("[Gmail]/All mail" by
>   default)
> - on your favorite server ("imaps://imap.gmail.com" by default)
> - with your login/password
> - run a custom command("offlineimap -u Quiet") whenever a new mail
>   arrives (triggered by an IDLE message)
> The script is very simple, but should fit your needs without problems
> (feel free to make it a little bit more flexible if you want to)
> I've been running it in a tmux for a few days now, and it works good.
> The real magic though is done by OfflineIMAP, which makes sure your
> mails aren't eaten... and that allows me to be dirty on the details of
> external script calls.
> The script lives at
> https://github.com/rakoo/idlewatch/blob/master/idlewatch.rb

Excellent! I had something pretty hackish set up a while ago [0], didn't
really work - so gave it up! This will make a huge difference for me.

- gaute

[0] https://gist.github.com/gauteh/7942217

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