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Re: [sup-talk] Recognizing new mails.

Sorry for the noise, I caused this problem myself: I use some mail
filtering using procmail to set the 'X-Mark-As-Read: yes' flag for bulk
mail (mailing lists etc) so these do not trigger my you-have-new-mail
bells and whistles. I was kind of confused about the difference between
'new' and 'unread' mail, thus messing up sup's behaviour.

* On 2014-03-23 19:25:00 +0100, Matthieu Rakotojaona wrote:
> Excerpts from Ico's message of 2014-03-23 14:15:51 +0100:
> > Does sup track read/unread for individual mails? For example, I open a
> > thread with 3 mails and read them all. The thread drops from my inbox.
> > 
> > A few hours later I find the thread back in my inbox and open it again,
> > it now has 6 mails. How do I know which 3 are the new ones? Only the
> > last one is opened by default, but how do I tell which others I still
> > need to read?
> > 
> > Is there a way to have unread mails unfolded by default?
> Weird, on my sup I have all new mails unfolded by default, and the focus
> is on the first one that is unfolded (either because it's unread or
> starred). That state is kept separately for each message indeed, so in
> your scenario it behaves as you expect. What version are you running ?
> You can see which message is unread with the 'N' on each message's top
> line.

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