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Re: [sup-talk] Getting GPG working in Sup

Excerpts from James Pearson's message of 2014-03-25 01:41:16 +0100:
> I recently decided that I should start using GPG, primarily for signing
> messages (not encrypting them).  I'm looking at
> https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/wiki/gpg , and while I think I've got
> everything set correctly, test messages aren't being signed.
> # .sup/config.yaml
>   1 ---
>   2 :accounts:
>   3   :default:
> [...]
>   9     :gpgkey: '58DAFDEB'

I don't use quotes, but don't know if it matters.

> # .sup/hooks/crypto-mode.rb
>  1 crypto_selector.set_to :sign
> [$]> gem list | grep gpg
> gpgme (2.0.5, 2.0.2)

I'm using 2.0.5. What is the output of `rake test` in sup.git? It runs
through a few gpg-tests as well. Could you cd to sup.git/test and do:

$ ruby -I. -w test_crypto.rb -v

Do you have gpg installed? What does sup tell you about the signature of
this message (just below header)?

> and that should be it, right?  But when I send an email to myself, I don't
> get prompted for my GPG passphrase, and I don't see an .asc on the
> receiving side.
> Any tips?  I'm using sup 0.15.4.

Is the crypto-selector visible in edit-mode? Is 'sign' selected?

- gaute

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature