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Re: [sup-talk] ignore replies when calculating thread date

Excerpts from Steven Schmeiser's message of 2013-07-01 21:47:36 +0200:
> Is there an option to ignore replies when calculating the date of a
> thread?  I would like it if replying to a thread did not bump it to
> the top of the index.

Basically, you would like to change the sorting order from
date-of-last-message to date-of-first-message ?

There is nothing currently implemented for this, at least that I know
of. If you're aventurous enough, you can have some option modify the
ThreadSet#sort_key method. Here's the current content:

def sort_key
  m = latest_message
  m ? [-m.date.to_i, m.id] : [-Time.now.to_i, ""]

Pretty straightforward, you'd have to fetch first_message and keep the
same logic.

However, if you only want to keep the same order independently from
_your_ replies, I don't know how you would do it.

Matthieu Rakotojaona

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