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Re: [sup-talk] Umlauts broken

On 24. mai 2013 13:59, Sebastian Lipp wrote:
> Hi.
> I was really happy as I heard, that sup is actively developed again. Too
> long time ago I had to leave sup because it got broken more and more...
> Just tried to install (via gem) and run it via rbenv under ruby
> 1.9.3-p327 and 1.9.3-p392.  With both I have the problem that characters
> like Umlauts are not show correctly. For example: "ä" becomes "\xe4".
> When setting $SUP_LOG_LEVEL to debug I get several of those lines:
>   couldn't transcode text from ASCII (ASCII) to UTF8 ("<20130523193529.GB30"...): got String::CheckError (unexpected encoding ASCII-8BIT)
> I'm not sure if this is related to my encoding problems. Any of those
> lines seem to be referencing to header lines.
> I was long enough without sup so I can wait for the compatibility with
> ruby 2.0.0 but I would really prefer to sup again sooner.
> So have you any solution, work-around or patch at hand for this problem
> or do you have any idea how I can help debug this problem?
> LG
> basti

Hi Sebastian,

Don't have the chance to go investigate much atm, but it could be
related to RMail and the usual lack of correct UTF-8 handling. I would
suggest you open an issue here though:


otherwise it can easily disappear away..

If you are bold enough #61
(https://github.com/sup-heliotrope/sup/pull/61) have initial Mail
support for ruby 2.0, it would be interesting to see if the problem is
present there.

Note: this branch is incomplete and not usable yet for sending mail.

Also, hold on to problematic emails for testing later!

Regards, Gaute