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Re: [sup-devel] What's your workflow?

Excerpts from Tero Tilus's message of Tue Dec 29 15:14:45 -0500 2009:

> Wiki page just doesn't say anything on how to have your own daily-sup
> branch (master or next + a set of own and others' patches) and how to
> keep that up-to-date with upstream while your develop your own patches
> (which are supposed to live in topic branches).

Maybe something like Stacked Git would work for you?


Alternately, if you want to stick to plain git, I'd recommend
something like:

origin/master -> master
origin/next -> next
	       \ mybranch

Where 'mybranch' collects your locally desired deviations.  If you're
not familiar with git, you'll want to do, assuming you've already got
a good repo that is tracking both origin/* branches.

Now, you can do:

git checkout -b mybranch next

As you update next with changes from origin/next, you can 'move' your
local changeset forward with:

git rebase next

If you don't explicitly track the next branch locally, you can do:

git checkout -b mybranch origin/next

and then

git rebase origin/next

as you do `git fetch` to get changes from upstream.

Be sure to do any devel work you expect to send back to the project as
a branch from master though, as that makes integration easier

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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