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[sup-devel] [PATCH 3/3] keybindings hook

Add a hook specifically for custom keybindings. The advantage of this over the
startup hook is that we can assume it's safe to reload this one while Sup is
running. The "modes" variable provides a debatably-useful mapping between
user-visible mode names and the actual classes, for use with class_eval.
 bin/sup           |    9 +++++++++
 lib/sup/hook.rb   |    1 +
 lib/sup/keymap.rb |   17 +++++++++++++++++
 lib/sup/mode.rb   |    4 ++++
 4 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/sup b/bin/sup
index 7824aca..ad1271f 100755
--- a/bin/sup
+++ b/bin/sup
@@ -83,8 +83,13 @@ global_keymap = Keymap.new do |k|
   k.add :recall_draft, "Edit most recent draft message", 'R'
   k.add :show_inbox, "Show the Inbox buffer", 'I'
   k.add :show_console, "Show the Console buffer", '~'
+  k.add_multi "Rerun (k)eybindings hook:", 'O' do |kk|
+    kk.add :run_keybindings_hook, "Rerun keybindings hook", 'k'
+  end
+Redwood::Keymap.run_hook global_keymap
 ## the following magic enables wide characters when used with a ruby
 ## ncurses.so that's been compiled against libncursesw. (note the w.) why
 ## this works, i have no idea. much like pretty much every aspect of
@@ -339,6 +344,10 @@ begin
     when :show_console
       b, new = bm.spawn_unless_exists("Console", :system => true) { ConsoleMode.new }
+    when :run_keybindings_hook
+      HookManager.clear_one 'keybindings'
+      Keymap.run_hook global_keymap
+      bm.flash "keybindings hook run"
     when :nothing, InputSequenceAborted
     when :redraw
diff --git a/lib/sup/hook.rb b/lib/sup/hook.rb
index 3bf9823..08738cd 100644
--- a/lib/sup/hook.rb
+++ b/lib/sup/hook.rb
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ EOS
   def enabled? name; !hook_for(name).nil? end
   def clear; @hooks.clear; end
+  def clear_one k; @hooks.delete k; end
diff --git a/lib/sup/keymap.rb b/lib/sup/keymap.rb
index 4cdeeed..93060b8 100644
--- a/lib/sup/keymap.rb
+++ b/lib/sup/keymap.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
 module Redwood
 class Keymap
+  HookManager.register "keybindings", <<EOS
+Add custom keybindings.
+  modes: Hash from mode names to mode classes.
+  global_keymap: The top-level keymap.
   def initialize
     @map = {}
     @order = []
@@ -116,6 +124,15 @@ class Keymap
     llen = lines.max_of { |a, b| a.length }
     lines.map { |a, b| sprintf " %#{llen}s : %s", a, b }.join("\n")
+  def self.run_hook global_keymap
+    modes = Hash[Mode.keymaps.map { |klass,keymap| [Mode.make_name(klass.name),klass] }]
+    locals = {
+      :modes => modes,
+      :global_keymap => global_keymap,
+    }
+    HookManager.run 'keybindings', locals
+  end
diff --git a/lib/sup/mode.rb b/lib/sup/mode.rb
index b9e0698..f5aee1c 100644
--- a/lib/sup/mode.rb
+++ b/lib/sup/mode.rb
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ class Mode
     @@keymaps[self] || register_keymap
+  def self.keymaps
+    @@keymaps
+  end
   def initialize
     @buffer = nil

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