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Re: [sup-devel] sup-server revisited

On Mon, 21 Feb 2011 21:02:28 +0000, William Morgan <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net> wrote:
> Hello Sup fans,


> I'm focusing on the server component first. My specific goals are:
> - Encapsulate all storage and indexing logic.
> - Formalize the notion of labels and state, and the relationship between them,
>   messages, and threads. Currently these relationships are fuzzy in Sup, and
>   things suffer for it.
> - Precompute threads, so that search requires only moderate effort, instead of
>   the large effort it does now. This will make search much, much faster, at the
>   expense of a little more effort at index time.
> - Allow concurrent access from multiple clients.
> - Provide something that is transparent and easy to modify without having to go
>   through an ncurses client.

On the server side, and more precisely on the interaction between the two,
I would love to see a simple Unix/command/CLI defined for the server. To make
myself clear, a bit like the notmuch CLI. This would allow for a greater
modularity and reusablity between components. For instance I would like to
index my mails with differents backends (disk is cheap), to get a way to
compare different tools on real data, when searching emails, and thus allow
to debug the different tools.

Nicolas Pouillard
Sup-devel mailing list