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[sup-devel] whistlepig

Today I've released something that I've been working on for many many months
now, which I hope will form the basis of the mythical Sup 2.0. It's a tiny
full-text search engine called Whistlepig.


For a quick demo, if you clone it and check out the ruby/ directory, you can run:

  ruby -Ilib bin/email-indexer <mbox name>
  ruby -Ilib bin/email-searcher <mbox name>

(You will also need to install the oklahoma_mixer, console and trollop gems.)

This is a super simple non-threaded non-curses email browser. The email parsing
code is much of the Sup email parsing code, but I think I've ironed out all the
Ruby 1.9 encoding-related bugs through a very laborious process of trial and

For my next trick, I am going to start writing a server version of this.
Believe it or not, I'm thinking HTTP.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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