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Re: [sup-devel] Patch: Always try to canonize person name using ContactManager

* Tero Tilus <tero@tilus.net> [Di Jan 25 00:33:23 +0100 2011]
> Sup has mostly not been using the names defined in contacts.txt when
> displaying messages.  I vaguely remember seeing an issue reported on
> something similar to this.  I became annoyed enough and fixed it.
> Now Person.from_address first tries to find the person using
> ContactManager (if it is instantiated) and falls back to
> Person.new(name, email).

I guess you saw my report in <1265828498-sup-6054@sam.mediasupervision.de>: 

* Gregor Hoffleit <gregor@hoffleit.de> [Mi Feb 10 22:04:57 +0100 2010]
> I have quite a few contacts that send their mails without a display  
> name, i.e. something like "From: John.Smith@example.com".
> Sup does some magic (in Person.from_address) to derive something like a
> display name from the local-part of the e-mail address. That's fine so
> far.
> But, if the person is in my list of contacts, I want Sup to show the
> display name definied in the contacts entry. In the above case, that
> might be "John Smith" or "John E. Smith" or whatever. Instead, Sup
> sticks to the display name derived from the local part, "john.smith".
> It's especially odd in the detailed header view of the thread-view-mode,
> where Sup resolves and shows the alias, but still sticks to the derived
> display name:
>     From: john.smith <john.smith@example.com> (Johnny Boy)
> The obvious place to start a fix would be Person.from_address, where
> the (display) name, if missing, is derived from the email address.
> I wanted to modify Person.from_address in order to use, in the case of
> an empty display name, the ContactManager, to look up any alias in the
> contact list, but somehow I didn't succeed integrating ContactManager
> in person.rb.
> Any better idea? Should I file a bug about this?

    Gregor Hoffleit
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