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Re: [sup-devel] heliotrope-syncback

Reformatted excerpts from Matthieu Rakotojaona's message of 2011-11-09:
> Okay, forget about buggy syncback, now comes the IMAP interface !

Now THIS is exciting. Thanks for starting on it!

> Considering the implementation, I've considered only UIDs, which are
> heliotrope's message_ids. Both can and must only go up as messages
> come and go, so it's cool.

That's right. Thread ids can sometimes be non-increasing, but message
ids should always be increasing. And the IMAP interface shouldn't have
anything to do with thread ids anyways.

> This leads me to the question : what is the license of Heliotrope ?
> Ximapd seems to be something BSD-like, but Heliotrope has none.

Hm, good question. I will probably GPL it. Let me think for a few days.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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