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[sup-devel] heliotrope: new version of whistlepig
Excerpts from Michael Stapelberg's message of 2012-04-13 05:59:04 -0700:
> Can you please instruct us on how to migrate from whistlepig 0.7 to 0.11
> without losing any data and preserving the exact inbox state?
Sorry about that. I meant to send a notice to this list but forgot.
I have been working hard on Whistlepig recently, fixing some performance
bugs and adding features. I will probably release another breaking index
change, or two, within the next few months.
You can rebuild your index by killing your server and running:
ruby -Ilib bin/heliotrope-reindex
And then following the instructions about renaming the directory.
Let me know if you have any problems with that.
William <wmorgan@masanjin.net>
Sup-devel mailing list