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Re: [sup-devel] sup 0.15?

Hello Eric,

Attached is my startup.rb file. Essentially, it scans my offlineimap 
folder directory for the mail folders (and labels them with their 
folder names -- I use imapfilter to pre-process my incoming mail and 
move my mail to the appropriate folders). If I initialize (rm) the 
xapian database, all mail is initially archived.

Hope this helps. For now, I have simply created an explicit 
sources.yaml file (one to archive all to rebuild the mail database from 
scratch, one with selected archiving to simulate my startup hook) -- so 
sup behaves as before.


Excerpts from Eric Weikl's message of 2013-11-12 14:42:50 -0500:
> Hi Steven,
> On 11/11/2013 14:18:45, Steven Hum wrote:
> > Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. My sources.yaml file was
> > unchanged from sup 0.14.x but only had one source defined in it. I was
> > using a startup.rb hook to scan and define my offlineimap sources and
> > that is where the problem seems to have originated for sup 0.15.0..
> > (due to a possible change to the SourceManager.add_source?)
> > 
> > By eliminating my startup hook and manually defining all my sources, I
> > was able to reinitialize the xapian mail database and all seems to be
> > functioning now.
> > 
> > Guess I will have to poke around to find out why my startup hook 
> > appears to be causing problems.
> Hmm... I'm not aware of any changes that could cause that behavior.
> Could you post your hook? I'd like to make sure we didn't change any
> expected behavior.
> Cheers,
> Eric

"Truth or die."

Steven Hum  
5 - 28 Gilmour St  
Ottawa, ON K2P 0N3  
email sdothum@gmail.com  
tel 613.237.9058  

Attachment: startup.rb
Description: application/ruby