I am trying to implement a new source for Gmail accounts. This is copied from my efforts to do the same in Heliotrope.
Here is an experimental implementation that can read the email from Gmail and add it to the Sup index:
To use:
- Install leveldb gem "sudo gem install leveldb-ruby"
- Start sup and see how it syncs your emails.
- This is experimental
- This always syncs only the All mailbox so make sure to use an
account with not too many emails for testing.
- All email data and headers are stored in a LevelDB database at:
- How do I stop the source poll when I quit sup? If I have a large amount
of emails when polling is running and I quit sup the process hangs there.
Does sup has a mechanism to stop the polling in progress?
- For some reason I get duplicate "Inbox" and "Sent" labels in the list of
labels and I am not sure why.
- I still have no clue on how to handle sync-back. That is how to propagate
changes made in sup back to Gmail. Any tips on how the maildir source
does it would be appreciated.
Horacio Sanson