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Re: [sup-devel] Update in heliotrope !

Hello Matthieu,

I am able to initialize the heliotrope mailstore directory easy enough 

ruby -Ilib bin/heliotrope-server -d <mailstore>

(stuff gets created :-) but when I try to import with

ruby -Ilib bin/heliotrope-import -a <maildir> -d <mailstore>

<maildir> being the dir that contains the cur/new/tmp directories that 
contain the actual emails downloaded by offlineimap,

the import process hangs after the "Adding mail..." message and doesn't 
load any emails (I just terminate the process with a ctrl-c). What am 
I missing? I tried using heliotrope-add with the server running, but it 
hung at the same point (not surpisingly).

Secondly, your note "stop all other activity with heliotrope while you 
sync with offlinimap". Does that mean heliotrope-server should not be 
running if offlineimap is (updating the maildirs)?


Excerpts from Matthieu Rakotojaona's message of 2012-09-24 18:13:57 -0400:
> Hello everyone,
> I have updated my version of heliotrope on my imap branch
> (https://github.com/rakoo/heliotrope/tree/imap). You just have to
> clone it and checkout the branch.
> You may now synchronize your mails between heliotrope and a maildir
> with offlineimap. I tested most of  the situations that can happen
> when using it (Adding/removing a label on heliotrope side,
> adding/removing a mail on maildir side)
> A few notes :
> * It is not "multi-write-safe", in the sense that you should stop all
> other activity with heliotrope while you sync with offlinimap.
> Concurrent access will have unknown outcome.
> * To continue on this point, use offlineimap with the `-1` flag, which
> will turn off multithreading. It should work without it though,
> because AFAIK offlineimap threads do not share mailboxes. But I'm not
> sure.
> * There are a few hardcoded labels/dir that you should find in your
> maildir, such as INBOX/inbox and "All Mail", which has no equivalent
> in heliotrope. Fear not, this one is taken care of.
> * Syncing with another IMAP server should also work,because it is
> transparent to offlineimap (at least from the outside)
> Have fun !
"Truth or die."

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