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Re: [sup-devel] [sup] Maildir root: Keep labels in sync with maildir folders (#253)

Excerpts from Steven Schmeiser's message of 2014-03-28 00:40:18 +0100:
> I'm trying out the maildir-root branch, but get the following error:
> undefined local variable or method `check_enable_experimental' for MaildirSub (deleted):Redwood::MaildirRoot::MaildirSub
> /usr/local/Cellar/ruby193/1.9.3-p545/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sup-999/lib/sup/maildirroot.rb:153:in `ensure_maildir'
> I did a diff with an older version of maildir-root that I was using from gauteh's personal repository, but I didn't see anything obviously related to this that changed in maildirroot.rb.  Any suggestions?

Yes, the `check_enable_experimental` function is defined at the
maildirroot level, not the maildirsub level. The whole
e8bc811bb9188cbe9c2111b9515110a90278c46e commit is wrong.

If you feel adventurous you can fix this: the 2 lines are related to the
@maildirroot variable. I'll provide a patch a fix after $dayjob.

Matthieu Rakotojaona

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