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Re: [sup-talk] Sup not working anymore after abrupt reboot

Excerpts from Tero Tilus's message of vie nov 13 12:10:17 +0100 2009:
> Carlos Garcia Campos, 2009-11-13 11:11:
> > I don't know whether my ferret index is corrupt, this is the exception  I
> > get:
> > 
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Error occured in index.c:901 - sis_find_segments_file
> > Error reading the segment infos.
> I'm not familiar with the internals of ferret, but the error looks
> pretty bad.  It might have lost part of index data files.

indeed, I have had to build a new index scratch. 

> Do you
> happen to have index or dump backups or find deleted files under
> ferret/ with using undelete tools?

No :-/

> Lessons learned...
> Always have regular (automatic, if possible) backups of your index
> dump, ALWAYS!  I have sup-dump in my backup2l before-hook.

Yes, I have a daily cron script for it now. 

> Hum.  I think for people who don't do cron backups it wouldn't be a
> bad idea to create (optional) rotating sup-dumps on every start. (and
> stop?)

Thank you very much. 
Carlos Garcia Campos
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