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Re: [sup-talk] [ANN] Sup 0.10 released

Excerpts from William Morgan's message of Sun Jan 24 11:44:50 -0300 2010:
> I'm pleased to announce the release of Sup 0.10. This version is
> frickin' awesome because not only do we have Ruby 1.9 support, the
> Xapian backend is now the default!  The next version will discard Ferret
> like a used rag.
> Sup is a console-based email client for people with a lot of email.
> It supports tagging, very fast full-text search, automatic contact-
> list management, and more. If you're the type of person who treats
> email as an extension of your long-term memory, Sup is for you.
> Get it: gem install sup
> Learn it: http://sup.rubyforge.org
> Love it: sup-talk@rubyforge.org
> Release notes:
> The Xapian backend is now the default. Convert your old, crash-prone
> Ferret index to Xapian by running sup-convert-ferret-index.
> Using a Ferret backend will produce a deprecation notice, and will not be
> supported in 0.11.

I just updated and love the startup announcement (you got me for a minute). 
However I couldn't find sup-convert-ferret-index
I updated with 
sudo gem update sup
and even did a full updatedb just in case I was not looking in the right
places. I must say sup-convert-ferret-index is not here. 
Did I miss something (it's Sunday here) or is the file really missing?

TIA for sup, you guys rock!

> Many thanks to Rich Lane for Xapian and Ruby 1.9 work.
> Excitement in 0.10:
> * Make Xapian backend the default, and add deprecation notice to Ferret indexes.
> * Now Ruby 1.9 compatible (Xapian backend only).
> * Changes are now saved automatically to the index. Pressing "$" now just
>   forces a flush of Xapian indexes, which can minimize quit time.
> * Fix problem with replying to Google Groups messages.
> * Allow toggling of line wrap. Useful for long URLs.
> * Multiple attachments can be added at once by specifying a wildcard.
> * New command to save all attachments at once.
> * As always, many bugfixes and tweaks.
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