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Re: [sup-talk] deleting files from source


Some news about this, I have been testing the branch for months and
months without trouble so I guess it is stable enough, however I still
have a todo list to finish and some commits to push. I did not have
time to do this yet but I hope I'll finish soon.

However this thread reminds me to add an option to whether delete
emails from Maildirs or just mark them as deleted (the T flag) and let
another software (such as offlineimap) handle them.


Excerpts from Alexander Ulrich's message of Sun Oct 24 12:52:17 +0200 2010:
> > I started using sup recently. Now I have only one source that is a
> > inbox maildir folder. I want to delete some emails from the source
> > forever, but when I delete or kill emails they are not really deleted
> > from the maildir folder. How can I clean the maildir folder, removing
> > deleted or killed emails?
> Apparently this hasn't been mentioned before: There is a
> 'maildir-sync' branch in the git repository by Damien Leone which does
> what you want. It adds a tool 'sup-sync-back-maildir' for syncing back
> manually and an option ':sync_back_to_maildir:' which does the sync
> automatically.
> The branch has worked quite well for me so far in normal operation,
> although I haven't done extensive testing.
> How are chances to have the branch merged to master?
> Alex

Damien Leone <damien.leone@fensalir.fr>

Web: http://dleone.fensalir.fr/

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