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Re: [sup-talk] [PATCH] mutt-style pipe to interactive process support

Code review would be highly appreciated on this one. I did some research
and checking and I'm fairly confident that I got the multiprogramming
aspects correct, but I haven't done much with forked processes before,
so I'd appreciate another set of eyes on it.

As always, I'm receptive to style review to best integrate with the
predominant Sup programming style as well.

The primary motivation for this patch is that the one thing I've missed
most in moving from mutt is being able to use urlview to quickly open
urls in my browser. While urxvt helps me with short urls, anything
longer than my current viewport line gets broken in a way urxvt can't
detect, so I decided it was time to make the pipe command more powerful.

I've left the old code pathways fully intact.

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