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Re: [sup-talk] choosing signatures

* Eric Sherman <hyperbolist@gmail.com> [Do Jun 10 18:01:15 +0200 2010]
> Excerpts from Gregor Hoffleit's message of Thu Jun 10 11:52:25 -0400 2010:
> > at first, that looks like a duplication of code. Could you elaborate why
> > you use both of these hooks?
> Yes.  The reply-from hook only triggers when replying, whereas the 
> before-edit hook triggers also when composing a new email.

Wouldn't the before-edit hook work for replying, as well?


> In this way I can ensure that for instance when I start a new thread to 
> recipients at my workplace or its vendors, the correct non-default From 
> address (and thusly the correct non-default sup account and signature and 
> so on) is selected.
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