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Re: [sup-talk] printing emails (but not attachments)

Excerpts from John Bent's message of Thu Mar 11 14:11:21 -0700 2010:
> I've been piping emails into muttprint which works well unless there's
> a binary attachment.  When there's a binary attachment, muttprint
> prints it and it usually takes tens and tens of pages.  Whoops.
> Anyone else figure out how to print emails but not attachments?
Well, I'm sure I've once again reinvented the wheel but I wrote my own
script to print emails without printing binary attachments.  It reads an
email, pipes the headers to muttprint, then pipes text/plain and
text/html through w3m into muttprint, for everything else it pipes "#
Attachment: filename (type)."  It requires w3m and muttprint to be in
the user's path.

I'm sorry that it's horribly in violation of sup philosophy but I wrote
it in python. :(  Sorry but my ruby is just barely good enough to do
'if' statements in my hooks.

It's attached in case anyone else wants it.  I'm scared I really did
just reinvent the wheel, otherwise I'd add it to the wiki.  To print an
email from sup using this, hit '|' in thread-view-mode to open a pipe
and then just type sup-print (assuming you've put this attachment in
your path).  I believe all the python imports it uses come standard.


Attachment: sup-print
Description: Binary data

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