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Re: [sup-talk] git co old version

Excerpts from Tero Tilus's message of Sat Apr 23 03:25:36 -0600 2011:
> John Bent, 2011-04-22 23:03:
> > But now a sup problem if you don't mind with sup-convert-ferret-index:
> > 
> > jvpn-132-106:~>sup-convert-ferret-index 
> > /opt/local/lib/ruby1.9/gems/1.9.1/gems/sup-0.10.2/lib/sup/index.rb:229:in
> > `rescue in init': unknown index type "ferret": no such file to load --
> > ferret (RuntimeError)
> Wasn't ferret support dropped already before 0.10 or do I just remeber
> wrong?  
I think it was deprecated in 0.10.  0.10 comes with
sup-convert-ferret-index at least.

> And why did you ask for git commands if you are using old sup
> from gems?  
That's cause I'm thrashing a bit here.  :)  I've just been trying
whatever I can to get a working copy of sup-convert-ferret-index.

> And in case I got something wrong here, it seems to be
> missing ferret (the gem).  Does gem list show ferret?
That was indeed the problem.  Thanks!

Sadly however, I still can't get sup-convert-ferret-index to run.  I've
tried now on two different machines. Any further help or suggestions are
greatly appreciated.  I'd rather not be stuck w/ sup 0.10 and ferret any
longer.  :(

1) 10.6.6 OS X

  ## Step one: back up all message state to /tmp/sup-state.txt
  /opt/local/lib/ruby1.9/gems/1.9.1/gems/sup-0.10.2/bin/sup-dump --index
  ferret > /tmp/sup-state.txt
  `initialize': File Not Found Error occured at <except.c>:93 in xraise
  Error occured in index.c:840 - sis_find_segments_file
          couldn't find segments file

  `block in size'
          from /opt/local/lib/ruby1.9/1.9.1/monitor.rb:201:in
  `block in load_index'
          from /opt/local/lib/ruby1.9/1.9.1/monitor.rb:201:in

2) 10.5.8 OS X

  Error: you don't have the xapian gem installed, so this script won't do
  much for you--`gem install xapian` (or xapian-full) first.
  Try --help for help.

  guava:~>gem list

  *** LOCAL GEMS ***
  acts_as_xapian (0.1.3)
  chronic (0.2.3)
  ferret (0.11.6)
  gemcutter (0.5.0)
  gettext (2.1.0)
  highline (1.5.2)
  hoe (2.5.0)
  json_pure (1.2.2)
  locale (2.0.5)
  lockfile (1.4.3)
  mime-types (1.16)
  ncursesw (
  net-ssh (2.0.20)
  rake (0.8.7)
  rmail (1.0.0)
  rubyforge (2.0.4)
  sup (0.10.2)
  trollop (1.15)
  xapian-core (
  xapian-full (

  So, you can see that I have xapian-full but not xapian.  gem install
  xapian fails with some weird error that makes it look like my gcc
  isn't properly installed but I use it successfully for other things
  all the time.  I've attached the gem install error log for this but
  basically the configure is explicitly adding some linking to objects
  which don't exist (i.e. crti.o, crtbeginS.o, crtendS.o)

Any thoughts about possible things to try on either machine 1 or 2?  Or
perhaps the easiest path is some machine 3 running linux?


Attachment: gem_make.out
Description: Binary data

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