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[sup-talk] message.list_address weirdness

I cannot get message.list_address to match to add labels before adding
messages although the messages definitively have the List-Post header.
I found that message.list_address is sometimes a Person instance, which 
suggest a bug in the code assigning the instance variable @list_address

@list_address = if header["list-post"]
                  address = if header["list-post"] =~ /mailto:(.*?)[>\s$]/
                            elsif header["list-post"] =~ /@/
                              header["list-post"] # just try the whole fucking thing
                  address && Person.from_address(address)
                elsif header["x-mailing-list"]
                  Person.from_address header["x-mailing-list"]

This code looks erroneous in that Person.from_address returns a Person
instance in the elsif branch. Shouldn't that be a string of the address
instead, i.e.,


? The same problem seems to appear in the conjunction

    address && Person.from_address(address)

which should in my opinion be

    address && Person.from_address(address).email

. Does that makes sense?

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