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Re: [sup-talk] message missing in source, sup v0.12.1, sup-sync no longer has --changed?


Excerpts from John Wyzer's message of Sun Feb 13 09:20:13 +0100 2011:
> So the question remain - if messags are missing from one Maildir, is my only
> option to dump, reindex all and restore?  That would be painful given the
> number of messages...

Not only painful and annoying but also very stupid. Why would someone want to
get rid of sup-sync --changed? It happens all the time that Maildirs are
externally changed, there *should* be some easy way to sync these changes back,
at least that's my insignificant opinion. I don't completely understand the
motivation for getting rid of this feature in the first place. Can someone
please explain?

Best regards,

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