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Re: [sup-talk] Sup + offlineimap + Gmail


Are you sure that reading a e-mail from sup marks it as read in Gmail
after having executed offlineimap? Because this should not work,
apparently you are using sup 0.12.1 which does not support backward
synchronization. [0]

And by the way, starring a message in sup should update the 'F'
(flagged) flag not the 'S' (seen) flag.


[0] http://www.mail-archive.com/sup-devel@rubyforge.org/msg00983.html

Excerpts from Florian Unglaub's message of mer. mai 18 09:44:25 +0200 2011:
> Hey guys,
> I approaching an almost ideal setup for a good gmail integration into
> sup using offlineimap. My offlineimap setup pulls all Gmail folders
> (aka Gmail labels) into seperate maildirs. I found a nice startup-hook
> for sup to add sources dynamicly:
> Dir[ENV['HOME']+'/.maildir/gmail/*'].map do |d|
>   uri = "maildir:"+d
>   log "Processing source #{uri}"
>   unless SourceManager.source_for uri
>     source = Maildir.new uri, true, false, nil, [LabelManager.label_for(File.basename(d))]
>     SourceManager.add_source source 
>     log "Added source #{d}"
>   end
> end
> This snippet of code checks for any directories in
> $HOME/.maildir/gmail and adds them as a new source with the
> corresponding label. This allows me to make changes in the gmail
> web interface which will be reflected in sup.
> Now there's a small issue I encountered today. If I star a message in
> Sup, offlineimap claims that it adds the 'S' flag to that message, but
> this won't be synced to Gmail for some reason. The other direction
> (star it on my mobile phone or in the web interface) works fine,
> i.e. the message can be seen in the 'Starred' label in sup.
> Is there any way to make this work?
> Regards,
> Florian

Damien Leone <damien.leone@fensalir.fr>

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