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Re: [sup-devel] sup for sale

William Morgan, 2010-02-25 16:51:
> But if someone wants to take the ball and be an official maintainer,
> I will give you my blessing and the power to gem push new releases.

One in particular comes into my mind.  Rich Lane has done an awesome
job with sup and shown exceptional vision with his work on sup-server.
IMHO, if Rich wants to catch the ball, he would make a great lead

> Otherwise, things will continue as they do now.

Which, I have to say, is not really bad at all.  People develop,
patches get merged and released.  Cycle could always be tighter, of
course.  But sup is alive and strong.

Tero Tilus ## 050 3635 235 ## http://tero.tilus.net/
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