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Re: [sup-devel] Adding backward synchronization for Maildir sources

Hey Damien,

This is great!  A few quick questions for you:

1. Suppose we decide to test your branch, and run into some show-stopper
   bugs.  What’s the procedure for backing out changes?

2. What precisely are the semantics for handling Sup labels?


Excerpts from Damien Leone's message of Fri Jul 09 12:44:01 -0400 2010:
> Sup guys,
> I have been working on backward synchronization for Maildir sources
> last week and I need your help to test and review the code.
> I pushed my commits (based on the 'next' branch) to my repo which you
> can find here [0] for the web interface and here [1] for the git
> address.
> The following is related to Maildir sources ONLY.
> So what does work and what does not (if you don't want to read this,
> scroll to the quick howto below):
> - Sup will now stay synchronized with your remote sources by detecting
> if a message has been remotely updated (ie: you change a flag from
> another client), these updates will be applied to your local index and
> your thread-view-mode buffers should be properly refreshed;
> - When a message is remotely deleted, it should now disappear from
> your index;
> - There is a new configuration option called "sync_back_to_maildir"
> which is false by default. When true, this option updates your actual
> Maildir files when you change a label, this is done in real time
> before being saved to xapian. So for instance if you use offlineimap
> the changes should be synched back to your IMAP server by the next
> poll in Sup (assuming that your before-poll hook runs offlineimap);
> - I wrote a "sup-sync-back-maildir" script that will synchronize all
> messages from your sources at once. This should be executed the first
> time BEFORE any polling, otherwise your IMAP server will be synched to
> your Sup index and if you did not used another client to mark your
> emails as read etc. (like me) and to update your IMAP server then you
> will lose all what you did in Sup (labels, etc.);
> - I added two new hidden labels in Sup: 'replied' and 'forwarded',
> they are automatically added when replying, forwarding or bouncing a
> message, this is to bring a better Maildir support to Sup, this should
> be invisible for users;
> - However you will probably lose all your remote 'replied' and
> 'forwarded' flags after your first backward synchronization to Maildir
> since Sup dropped these labels when it added your messages to xapian.
> - Moving a message from a Maildir source to another is not (yet?)
> supported.
> So, you should now be able to use multiple clients to handle your
> emails, for instance I can use gmail to mark messages as starred or
> so, it will be reflected in Sup. In the same way, if I mark a message
> as read in Sup it will appear as read in the gmail web interface.
> I tested this code with my main account (2 GB and like 15 Maildir
> sources) it works fine so far.
> Be warned that it is highly experimental, but if you use offlineimap
> it has a realdelete option so you *should* not lose any email, in the
> worst case it might mess your flags/labels up.
> I tested it only with offlineimap working with a gmail account.
> Quick howto:
> 1. Close sup
> 2. Backup your emails and your xapian index or use another Sup session
> 3. Clone the branch [1]
> 4. IMPORTANT: run "bin/sup-sync-back-maildir" to synchronize the
>    Maildirs you wish, check the help
> 5. Add ":sync_back_to_maildir: true" to your config.yaml
> 6. Run and use sup
> Please test it and make reviews! :)
> NOTE: if you want this to work, get sure that you are not calling
> offlineimap with the '-q' option (as suggested in the wiki) otherwise
> it will ignore the flag updates on IMAP server, so check your
> before-poll hook.
> [0] http://git.fensalir.fr/?p=dleone/sup.git
> [1] $ git clone git://fensalir.fr/dleone/sup.git -b maildir-sync
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