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[sup-devel] [PATCH] fix handling of multiple label: terms in search

By default Xapian will join query terms with the same prefix with OR instead
of AND, so searching for multiple labels doesn't return the expected results.
By making use of a parameter to add_boolean_prefix (added in Xapian 1.2) we
can tell Xapian to use OR only for the search terms that are guaranteed to be

Signed-off-by: Sascha Silbe <sascha-pgp@silbe.org>
 lib/sup/index.rb |   74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

Tested on Debian Squeeze with Ruby and Xapian 1.2.3.

diff --git a/lib/sup/index.rb b/lib/sup/index.rb
index 9273f18..a72bec6 100644
--- a/lib/sup/index.rb
+++ b/lib/sup/index.rb
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ EOS
     qp.stemming_strategy = Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME
     qp.default_op = Xapian::Query::OP_AND
     qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor.new(DATE_VALUENO, 'date:', true))
-    NORMAL_PREFIX.each { |k,vs| vs.each { |v| qp.add_prefix k, v } }
-    BOOLEAN_PREFIX.each { |k,vs| vs.each { |v| qp.add_boolean_prefix k, v } }
+    NORMAL_PREFIX.each { |k,info| info[:prefix].each { |v| qp.add_prefix k, v } }
+    BOOLEAN_PREFIX.each { |k,info| info[:prefix].each { |v| qp.add_boolean_prefix k, v, info[:exclusive] } }

       xapian_query = qp.parse_query(subs, Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD)
@@ -471,31 +471,31 @@ EOS

   # Stemmed
-    'subject' => 'S',
-    'body' => 'B',
-    'from_name' => 'FN',
-    'to_name' => 'TN',
-    'name' => %w(FN TN),
-    'attachment' => 'A',
-    'email_text' => 'E',
-    '' => %w(S B FN TN A E),
+    'subject' => {:prefix => 'S', :exclusive => false},
+    'body' => {:prefix => 'B', :exclusive => false},
+    'from_name' => {:prefix => 'FN', :exclusive => false},
+    'to_name' => {:prefix => 'TN', :exclusive => false},
+    'name' => {:prefix => %w(FN TN), :exclusive => false},
+    'attachment' => {:prefix => 'A', :exclusive => false},
+    'email_text' => {:prefix => 'E', :exclusive => false},
+    '' => {:prefix => %w(S B FN TN A E), :exclusive => false},

   # Unstemmed
-    'type' => 'K',
-    'from_email' => 'FE',
-    'to_email' => 'TE',
-    'email' => %w(FE TE),
-    'date' => 'D',
-    'label' => 'L',
-    'source_id' => 'I',
-    'attachment_extension' => 'O',
-    'msgid' => 'Q',
-    'id' => 'Q',
-    'thread' => 'H',
-    'ref' => 'R',
-    'location' => 'J',
+    'type' => {:prefix => 'K', :exclusive => true},
+    'from_email' => {:prefix => 'FE', :exclusive => false},
+    'to_email' => {:prefix => 'TE', :exclusive => false},
+    'email' => {:prefix => %w(FE TE), :exclusive => false},
+    'date' => {:prefix => 'D', :exclusive => true},
+    'label' => {:prefix => 'L', :exclusive => false},
+    'source_id' => {:prefix => 'I', :exclusive => true},
+    'attachment_extension' => {:prefix => 'O', :exclusive => false},
+    'msgid' => {:prefix => 'Q', :exclusive => true},
+    'id' => {:prefix => 'Q', :exclusive => true},
+    'thread' => {:prefix => 'H', :exclusive => false},
+    'ref' => {:prefix => 'R', :exclusive => false},
+    'location' => {:prefix => 'J', :exclusive => false},

@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ EOS
     # Person names are indexed with several prefixes
     person_termer = lambda do |d|
       lambda do |p|
-        doc.index_text p.name, PREFIX["#{d}_name"] if p.name
-        doc.index_text p.email, PREFIX['email_text']
+        doc.index_text p.name, PREFIX["#{d}_name"][:prefix] if p.name
+        doc.index_text p.email, PREFIX['email_text'][:prefix]
         doc.add_term mkterm(:email, d, p.email)
@@ -673,9 +673,9 @@ EOS
     # Full text search content
     subject_text = m.indexable_subject
     body_text = m.indexable_body
-    doc.index_text subject_text, PREFIX['subject']
-    doc.index_text body_text, PREFIX['body']
-    m.attachments.each { |a| doc.index_text a, PREFIX['attachment'] }
+    doc.index_text subject_text, PREFIX['subject'][:prefix]
+    doc.index_text body_text, PREFIX['body'][:prefix]
+    m.attachments.each { |a| doc.index_text a, PREFIX['attachment'][:prefix] }

     # Miscellaneous terms
     doc.add_term mkterm(:date, m.date) if m.date
@@ -753,25 +753,25 @@ EOS
   def mkterm type, *args
     case type
     when :label
-      PREFIX['label'] + args[0].to_s.downcase
+      PREFIX['label'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase
     when :type
-      PREFIX['type'] + args[0].to_s.downcase
+      PREFIX['type'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase
     when :date
-      PREFIX['date'] + args[0].getutc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+      PREFIX['date'][:prefix] + args[0].getutc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
     when :email
       case args[0]
-      when :from then PREFIX['from_email']
-      when :to then PREFIX['to_email']
+      when :from then PREFIX['from_email'][:prefix]
+      when :to then PREFIX['to_email'][:prefix]
       else raise "Invalid email term type #{args[0]}"
       end + args[1].to_s.downcase
     when :source_id
-      PREFIX['source_id'] + args[0].to_s.downcase
+      PREFIX['source_id'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase
     when :location
-      PREFIX['location'] + [args[0]].pack('n') + args[1].to_s
+      PREFIX['location'][:prefix] + [args[0]].pack('n') + args[1].to_s
     when :attachment_extension
-      PREFIX['attachment_extension'] + args[0].to_s.downcase
+      PREFIX['attachment_extension'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase
     when :msgid, :ref, :thread
-      PREFIX[type.to_s] + args[0][0...(MAX_TERM_LENGTH-1)]
+      PREFIX[type.to_s][:prefix] + args[0][0...(MAX_TERM_LENGTH-1)]
       raise "Invalid term type #{type}"

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