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Re: [sup-devel] Bug report: temp file commit breaks my emacs hook


Excerpts from Steve's message of 2011-01-10 21:11:35 +0100:
> This commit has broken part of the interaction between sup and my emacs.
> commit 60573298a2258c101a85b3de8121f73d7aec2d51
> Author: Michael Hamann <michael@content-space.de>
> Date:   Fri Oct 8 10:03:36 2010 -0400
>     Fix monkey-patching of Tempfile
> Did you change the name of the temp file that gets passed to emacs?

Yes. Now sup can and must use the syntax for Tempfile creation that is
available in Ruby version 1.8.7 and newer. It allows to set both a
prefix and a suffix. I didn't care about the filename because I had the
experience that with the old filename my Vim didn't recognize the
content as email and without the extension it recognizes it which gives
me nice syntax highlighting even without configuring anything.

> My emacs hook looks like this.
> (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
> '("sup\\.\\(compose\\|forward\\|reply\\|resume\\)-mode$" . mail-mode))

The string you are looking for is now at the beginning of the filename
so you could change your hook to match the beginning of the filename
instead of the end.

The following simple change will change the end of the filenames to
.EXTENSION, so if you think it makes sense to add an extension again I
could provide a proper patch.

diff --git a/lib/sup/modes/edit-message-mode.rb b/lib/sup/modes/edit-message-mode.rb
index 86aef4b..052421d 100644
--- a/lib/sup/modes/edit-message-mode.rb
+++ b/lib/sup/modes/edit-message-mode.rb
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ EOS
   def edit_subject; edit_field "Subject" end
   def edit_message
-    @file = Tempfile.new "sup.#{self.class.name.gsub(/.*::/, '').camel_to_hyphy}"
+    @file = Tempfile.new ["sup.#{self.class.name.gsub(/.*::/, '').camel_to_hyphy}", ".EXTENSION"]
     @file.puts format_headers(@header - NON_EDITABLE_HEADERS).first
     @file.puts @body.join("\n")

Michael Hamann
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