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Re: [sup-devel] [sup-talk] turnsole alpha preview

Hi Matthieu,

Thanks for the detailed bug reports.

Reformatted excerpts from Matthieu Rakotojaona's message of 2011-04-02:
> >/home/rakoo/src/turnsole/lib/turnsole/ncurses-patches.rb:19:in `block in <module:Curses>': undefined method `color!' for Curses:Module (NoMethodError)

I think this is fixed in the latest turnsole master. Can you please try it?

> >/home/rakoo/src/turnsole/lib/turnsole/accounts.rb:39:in `block in add_account': undefined method `gpgkey' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

Also should be fixed in the latest turnsole master.

> Now with heliotrope, I have the problems with the encoding :
> - When I search for words with "é", I have an error :
> >HeliotropeServer::RequestError - can't parse query: parse error: line 1: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting WORD:

Good bug! I didn't test this at all. This one I am going to have to spend a
little bit of time on.

> >ArgumentError - invalid byte sequence in UTF-8:
> > /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rmail-1.0.0/lib/rmail/parser.rb:217:in `split'

Can you try the latest heliotrope master? I think I've fixed this.

> But I do think everyone should use UTF-8.

I kind of agree. Heliotrope is utf-8 specific. But in Turnsole I am trying to
be nice and support the system encoding.

> In a totallly unrelated note, do you plan on syncing back heliotrope work
> with the maildir directory ? Just to know.

No. Since Heliotrope is a server, I plan on avoiding that class of problem
entirely by a) making it easy to extract your email from Heliotrope, if you
decide to not use it any more, and b) eventually adding an IMAP emulation
layer, if you want to use other clients.

So you would entrust Heliotrope to both store, as well as index, your email, in
whatever way it wants to.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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