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Re: [sup-devel] [PATCH] 'u' in thread-view-mode copies URL to X selection

Hi Chris,

Excerpts from Chris Parsons's message of 2010-11-04 16:49:03 +0100:
> I know there's been some discussion about opening URLs from e-mails in Sup, and
> because many people use Sup via an SSH session, client-side solutions are not
> universally useful... but here is a patch that seems to copy a URL on the
Not sure which side you mean with client-side now, but I usually want to open
the URL on the computer I am currently using (not always the side on which sup
is running, but always the side on which my terminal is running). For that, I
use the mark-and-yank plugin for urxvt:


Best regards,
Sup-devel mailing list