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Re: [sup-devel] sup-server revisited

Reformatted excerpts from Tero Tilus's message of 2011-02-22:
> I guess this offers the possibility to add threading to "external state"
> of messages, together with labels.  I'd do a whole a lot of more
> prune'n'crafting with my threads if there only was more comfortable
> interface to doing it (admit it, been too lazy to implement it in sup).

Not quite sure I follow, but the intention is certainly to allow clients to
create and break threads and to present labels as per-thread, rather than
per-message, data.

> Do you have considerations wrt to programmatical thread browsing and
> editing API?

I suspect won't get into that level of detail. The API will be more along
the lines of "give me thread 6" and you'll get a tree of message ids back,
and on the client side you can represent that however you like. Unless
there's a compelling case for handling portions of threads at the API level.

> > - Allow concurrent access from multiple clients.
> Since the first post on sup-server I've been nurturing the idea of "fat"
> sup-client for maemo/meego.

That would be great. I would like an Android client while you're at it. :)

> Would it be time to go for https://github.com/mikel/mail now?  It would be
> supported and actively developed and I really like the API.  As a
> downside, depending on activesupport pulls in a whole a lot of fluff and
> using treetop may suggest that parsing might hog a little more cpu and
> memory than is absolutely necessary.

I looked at it, but the dependency on activesupport is a dealbreaker for me.
There's no way I would pull that pile of Rails shit into Sup.

RMail is not great and I don't like using it, but it really is the best
thing I've found so far. I think I have whipped it into shape pretty well in

> Who would give us bindings to GMime and wrap it inside Mail API...

I would use GMime bindings in a heartbeat.
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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