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[sup-devel] console gem 0.3

Hi guys,

I've finally released a new version of the console gem which supports
Ruby 1.8. This will be useful in Sup to a) replace String#display_length
(which is a totally wrong hack right now), and b) replace the dl/import
set_locale madness in bin/sup.

So basically this should remove some code and should improve i18n
support for CJK users.

Before I work on a patch, I'm curious if those of you on funny operating
systems (e.g. Cygwin, BSD, Darwin) are able to install this gem

If you are a non-i386 Linux user, please try `gem install console` and
report the result (success/failure) along with your OS version and your
ruby version.

For extra credit, here's a test script you can run and make sure the
output is a 30-column block of text:

  ## encoding: UTF-8 (this comment required for ruby 1.9)
  require 'rubygems' # this line required for ruby 1.8
  require 'console'
  require 'console/string'


  STRING = "我能吞下玻璃而不傷身體。Góa ē-tàng chia̍h po-lê, mā bē tio̍h-siong.私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。I can eat glass and it doesn't hurt me."
  COLS = 30

  rows = STRING.display_width / COLS
  (0 .. rows).each { |i| puts STRING.display_slice(i * COLS, COLS) }

William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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