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Re: [sup-devel] [PATCH] Converted crypto to use the gpgme gem

> - With this patch the output of the gpg run is no longer available.
>  Like this the plus sign in front of the message does not make sense.
>  Is there a way to get at the gpg output with your approach?

The gpg binary is not called, so there is no output from it. What do
you mean by the "plus sign" - where does this turn up? I haven't
noticed that. If you tell me exactly what your expected behaviour is
I'll see if I can replicate it.

> - Signatures made by keys that are available in my keyring but aren't
>  trusted are shown as valid. They should be specially marked!
>  This is not a new problem. It also exists with the current code, but
>  there you can access the gpg output which shows you that the
>  signature is valid but not trusted.

I have a hook I'm working on so that you can access the full Signature
object returned by gpgme. I'll post about it when it's working and I
have some example hook code. This would be able to tell you whether
the key that signed the message is trusted by you etc. I'll hopefully
get to that within a week.

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