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Re: [sup-devel] Query for largest msg_id?

Reformatted excerpts from Gaudenz Steinlin's message of 2011-05-23:
> Merging the messages is fine and actually an improvement over other
> MUAs.

I agree. I like the behavior.

> But adding a line in the header section indicating the source
> and how often the message appears in the source would be nice.

This is essentially what Alvaro's detailed-headers hook does. But unlike
Sup, heliotrope doesn't have the notion of different mailstores. There's
just one.

With some effort, we could add some kind of differentiating information
at mail addition time, but it's hard to know what would fit the general
case. A list of (from, timestamp) tuples?
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
Sup-devel mailing list