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Re: [sup-devel] error after leveldb-ruby upgrade

Reformatted excerpts from Hamish D's message of 2011-07-17:
> $ heliotrope-server -d ~/.heliotrope
> /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/leveldb-ruby-0.7/lib/leveldb.rb:11:in `make':
> Corruption: checksum mismatch (LevelDB::Error)

That error gets thrown when LevelDB detects things are corrupted, but
I'd be surprised if the upgrade to 0.7 caused this--the only change was
one in how memory in the Ruby world is free'd. None of the actual
LevelDB code changed.

If you downgrade to 0.6, do you still get that error? Are you running
out of disk space, or anything like that?
William <wmorgan-sup@masanjin.net>
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